Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thoughts on a very warm day in December :-)

Ok, so I kind of stink at this whole blogging thing. But, I am going to try really hard to keep up with it. I can't tell you how ready I am for 2009! 2008 has been quite a let down for Charles and I. We are prayerful and hopeful that 2009 will be a much better year for the two of us. I always get excited for the New Year. I love how its a fresh start! It's a clean slate, a brand new year filled with hope and opportunity. I am not really all about New Year's Resolutions, because those never work. BUT, I am all about reflecting on the past year, examining my heart, and praying towards the future.

We have both been thinking a lot lately about starting a family (God willing). It seems we may be reaching that point in the near future. That kind of freaks me out! The whole "giving birth" scenario scares me a bit. BUT, if everyone else can do it, surely I can too! Not to mention, I'd be a mom---whoa. That freaks me out too! I know Charles will be such a great dad. It's like that's what he was born to do! Be a daddy. It's funny, if one of us were to stay at home, it'd be him. I have to go to work and have that social interaction (ironic since I work with kids) and something to keep me busy. Although I complain, I do enjoy my job!

We are leaving tomorrow for IL both sick, with a broken washer needing fixing, lack of money to pay our many bills (and broken appliances), and a struggle with an optimistic attitude. Hopefully, seeing my parents will do us some good and God will use this trip to refresh us and remind us of His faithfulness. I know we are both discouraged and tired of the bad, we are so ready for something good. I know if we just hang in there, God will hand us that restoration He promises. It's just that waiting and trudging through the bad, trusting God., is sometimes very difficult. At times, I just get so discouraged. Deep down I know God wants the best for us, and will only let us face what He thinks we can handle. I'm reminded of the first chapter of James, that I should face my trials with joy! Joy because God knows what He is doing and joy because He will use these circumstances to teach us, mold us, and hopefully point others to Him. If he can hold the UNIVERSE in his HAND, then surely He can handle our problems. I serve a great God!

I'm off to finish packing for O-Town. Hopefully, my next blog won't be as long this time!

1 comment:

Corey and Melody Cain said...

God "will work all things together for good"...He promises this to those who love Him! Hang in there!